Body Transformation Results
Below are just a few of our amazing Body Transformation Results over the last two decades,

Maria (Dentist)
Maria is a dentist with her own practice, Maria was very worried of the weight she gained around her belly since starting her own practice and not looking after herself. The first step was to change the times for Maria’s meals and started counting the grams of fat she consumed every day - she was a bad snacker. Once we changed her diet plan, we added a new fitness training plan. The workout plan was a mix of free weights, high fat burning exercises and CV. We also set Maria homework to do between the sessions. After 6 weeks of hard training, her body fat % went down to 21 % from 26 % and her over fitness and energy levels went through the roof. Good work
Rebecca and Ava (Entrepreneurs)
Larger than life sisters. These two troublemakers absolutely nailed it. Both sisters were out of fitness routine, needed direction and needed to be pushed hard. After planning a detailed diet plan that changed every 4 weeks, and a good fitness routine, the results were amazing. We mixed the training up - with a focus free weights, CV and core-stability. Both Rebecca and Ava had weak cores due to their desk-based jobs. After six weeks of training, two times a week, they are now new sisters. Both lost over a stone in weight and over 5 % body fat each. Currently, both girls train once a week with Platinum Training and twice at home to make sure the routine and results stay in place.

Ian ( City Group )
Fresh out of Uni, Ian started working long hours at the Bank of America. He has been very slim his entire life and came to Platinum Training wanting to transform his body and build muscle mass. We investigated Ian’s diet and increased his protein intake in a way he was able to eat more without feeling full. Once the diet was in place, we hit the Vauxhall gym in London and focused on free weights, flexibility, and abs.
The results are impressive - Ian has gained 30% in muscle mass in the space of three months. So far, we achieved about 70% of your target muscle mass and are looking forward to pushing harder over the next two months. An amazing effort Ian.
Julian ( Consultant )
Sam works for the Transport for London. He is a dad of three and he wanted a body transformation after not working out for nearly three years. Sam trained with us three evenings a week at our Vauxhall gym. We incorporated boxing to burn his fat % and added body weight exercises. In just under six weeks Sam had so much more energy and his stamina improved significantly.
On the top of his tailored fitness routine, we added a detailed diet plan. Sam was not the best cook, but we adapted so he could easily cook all the meals in less than 20 minutes for himself and the family.
In our 20 years Sam is for sure one of our best performers after losing a massive 10% body fat % and 2 stone in weight over a 4-month period.
We have so many more success stories of our amazing Clients, who over the last 20 years achieved incredible body transformations. It really shows that hard work and commitment pay off. Thank you to all our amazing Clients.